
In Order. Words Sometimes Fail

December 9, 2017. Romans 8-10

In Order. Words Sometimes Fail.

There comes a time in every persons life when we have hit rock bottom. Where there is only one place for you to be and that in on your knees crying out for help, love, support, justice, peace, etc. It does not matter what it might be but you know you need something in that moment.

Many times the hardest part about being that broken, is having to put into words what you are praying for in that moment. You may not even be sure what it is that you are crying out for, but you still cry out to the only one you know will listen. Our minds may not be able to articulate what it is that we need and are praying for, but our hearts do. Paul writes some comforting words for us when we are in that moment:

Romans 8:26-28

In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we out to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us through wordless groans.

And he who searches our hearts knows the mind of the Spirit, because the Spirit intercedes for God’s people in accordance with the will of God.

And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.

We have someone who knows our hearts better than we do ourselves; someone who knows our deepest darkest secrets, our desires, and our fears and failures. When we have reached our breaking point and are at our weakest, He already knows exactly what it is that we need and want, but we have not cried out to him yet.  Those verses are full of hope and love, they show the heart of our Heavenly Father, one who loves us unconditionally and will always be there waiting to listen and step in. But he is a patient Father, one who waits for us to come to him, one who is standing there with arms wide open waiting for you to run into his embrace.  Words will not need to be spoken, just an open heart; for your words will fail you but the Spirit will intercede for you. 

Andrea Fite

Andrea is a wife to an amazing man, mother to a sweet little boy, Christ following, coffee addicted, book-loving woman. She grew up as a missionary and pastor’s kid, and learned at a young age that...more